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Aylin Güler

April 3, 2023  .  2 min read  .  1181

Aylin Guler - Volunteer Spotlight

Volunteer Spotlight

Aylin is an architecture graduate and is currently doing her master's at the Yıldız Technical University, majoring in Regional Planning. After volunteering as the Art Director at Istanbul&I, Aylin took over the Communication Coordinator position. “Office Renovation” and “Iftar & Community” were just a few of her first volunteering projects and she soon became a regular at the Yedikule Animal Shelter and Sokak Lambası. As a self-taught embroiderer, she has her brand and works on every aspect of the process. During her hobbyist-to-entrepreneur journey, she improved her digital marketing and business management skills. She is also freelancing as a content creator for social media.

Here’s her response to “why do you volunteer at Istanbul&I?”

I believe in the power of community service and making a positive impact on people's lives. Volunteering allows me to use my skills and time to help others, while also gaining valuable experience and knowledge. Through my volunteer work in Istanbul&I, I have improved myself as a leader by learning how to communicate effectively with others, manage projects, and solve problems. I have also honed my creativity by coming up with new ideas and approaches to help the community. Overall, volunteering in Istanbul&I has not only allowed me to make a difference in the lives of others but has also helped me grow and develop as a person, both as a leader and a creator.

“Working with Aylin couldn't be more perfect, I worked with her when she just joined the NGO as an Art Director on the "Office Renovation Project". Seeing her dedication and efforts as a new volunteer made me excited for what's next, I was happy when she was elected as the Communication Coordinator. She always pushed the Events team to submit the briefs on time and showed us a lot of support. Aylin was like a support system for me and my team, and I couldn't be more thankful for her and her efforts.” - Zainab, ex Events Coordinator